NEMOSFLOW engineering office

CFD consultant - Services, consulting & engineering in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Understand physics, and optimise the process.

Computational Fluid Dynamics

NEMOSFLOW is a specialized engineering consultancy in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), based on the passion and expertise of an experienced consultant engineer.

Today, this discipline provides a wide range of answers for understanding, anticipating and optimising any process involving fluids, from purely industrial processes to R&D-oriented projects. Used wisely, a numerical approach can greatly reduce risks and costs, making it a valuable ally in many projects.

The aim of NEMOSFLOW is to share the benefits of this formidable tool, CFD, in a reasoned and sensible way. The offered support covers the entire simulation phase: from the development of the methodology to the analysis and transmission of results, including the construction of the geometric model, the mesh, the physical model and the simulations.

Get the expertise and the flexibility of a freelance CFD consultant

Photo consultant Matthieu Morel
Matthieu Morel - CFD expert and NEMOSFLOW founder

Passionate about fluid mechanics and numerical simulation, I have been working in this field for over ten years and have specialised in it. My career has allowed me to acquire expertise in this field, thanks to multi-sector experiences, firstly as an employee and then as a freelancer. This applies in particular to the sector’s varied and high-quality open source software.

For 5 years, I have been offering this expertise to companies via the single-member company NEMOSFLOW, as a consulting engineer. This status gives me a very beneficial freedom of action and flexibility to carry out the studies in a sustainable, optimized and transparent way. I also have the hope to convey existing interest and benefits in correctly understanding the physics that govern our world and our processes.

Realized CFD projects & simulations

Whether it’s carrying out studies, providing technical assistance or participating in collaborative projects, NEMOSFLOW has been involved in a wide range of sectors. Several major groups and local authorities now call on my services for the following issues:

Thermal simulation

Ventilation and HVAC

Aeraulics in confined and free atmosphere environments

Wind resistance

Multi-phase simulations

Interface monitoring

Atmospheric dispersion


At the end of my assignments, I summarise the issues I’ve tackled and the solutions I’ve come up with in a portfolio of real cases or prototypes based on them. Don’t hesitate to consult it for a more concrete overview of my work!

News about NEMOSFLOW

Find out latest news about the company, including latest partnerships, or events I’m taking part in!

Partnership with qarnot

NEMOSFLOW is pleased to announce a collaboration with Qarnot to provide access to high-performance, low-carbon and sovereign computing power. This new solution complements the company's in-house capabilities, while focusing on an innovative approach involving the re-use of heat emitted by digital infrastructures.
Qarnot website

Publication with Kitware company : scientific visualisation with Paraview

In this blog post, we present some of the many features of Paraview software that are useful for post-processing in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). We illustrate this with a real-life application: the impact of tornado winds on buildings. Read this publication on the Kitware blog.
Kitware Blog

Attending the next FOAM-U conference

As every year, NEMOSFLOW was present at the next Franco-Belgian OpenFOAM user conference, which took place on 22 and 23 May 2024. Visit the association's website for more information.
FOAM-U website

Articles and publications

Apart from my projects, I enjoy talking about CFD, software I use, as well as pass on my knowledge. Find out more about my CFD publications in the blog!

CodeStream utility in OpenFOAM

Presentation of the codeStream utility in OpenFOAM - Application for customized boundary and initial conditions.
Read more

Filter modeling in OpenFOAM

Presentation of the faceInteraction function, used to generate interactions between internal faces and Lagrangian particles. Example of particle filtering.

Dataset resampling in Paraview

Description of the ResampleWithDataset filter in Paraview, and its application to the projection of a 3D field onto a surface.

Turbulence resolution quality estimation in OpenFOAM

Details of the resolutionIndex function, which uses different criteria to analyse the quality of a mesh concerning LES or DES simulation.

You can also find me on social networks, don’t hesitate to interact 🙂

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Any project or question?

I’ll be happy to discuss it!